Have You Been to a VIP Mixer, Yet?
One of the most common misperceptions I hear about our VIP Mixer is that it’s just for new members. While new members benefit from learning how the chamber can help…
One of the most common misperceptions I hear about our VIP Mixer is that it’s just for new members. While new members benefit from learning how the chamber can help…
One of the top concerns we hear from employers is “workforce.” They worry about finding skilled employees and keeping them. Since it’s difficult to be successful without workers, workforce development…
According to the Council on Criminal Justice, US property crimes in some areas are escalating. Motor vehicle thefts (+104.3%) and nonresidential burglaries (+5.1%) were higher in the first half of 2023 than…
A Chamber Membership Is Worth a Lot More Than That. When I speak to small businesses that have let their membership lapse, they often make it sound like a gym…
If you walked into a crowded room and asked the question in the title of this article, what would you expect to hear? The chamber of commerce is like the…
Often businesses aren’t sure how to best use their chamber memberships. They understand that chambers are an advocate for business but how do they work and what specifically can they…
Have you ever attended an Alameda Chamber & Economic Alliance event? If you’re not a member, you’re missing out. Before you say you don’t have the time to attend events,…
If you’re a solopreneur, you’re likely putting in some long hours building your business. Anything that helps you be more productive for a small investment is a necessity for you…
Okay, so maybe your parents never told you anything about chamber memberships but we’re sure between one of your parents you learned the following lessons. And you might be surprised…
We’re all so busy these days. That’s part of the reason life hacks are so popular. But did you know one of the best professional life hacks is chamber membership?…