Recovery Resources & Funding Assistance
Additional Resources
Get your job posting out to hundreds of people in the area FOR FREE with the Alameda Chamber Job Board.
It’s easy. Post your openings today!
Plus, those looking for a job can find your position easily without a lot of the bogus advertisements and distractors that a lot of larger job boards have.
Take a look at the available jobs with reputable companies today. Search by category or employer.

The Alameda City Council approved $600,000 for grants to small businesses who were severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. But so many more local businesses, nonprofit organizations, and residential renters still need help. Donate to the “Alameda Strong” community fund today to help fund emergency relief grants.
With your help we can raise over $1 million for grants that will help our small businesses reopen and recover. Please make your tax-deductible donation today.